History of 116 and 122 Southwest 9th Street – College Place, WA
Legal Description
116: CP #2 Tax 4 Lot 2 Blk 25; 122: CP #2 Tax 28 Lot 2 Blk 25 plus strip
Full Legal Description
Beginning at a point 28 feet north and 120 feet east of the southwest corner of Lot 2 in Block 25 of College Place No. 2, according to the official plat thereof of record in the office of the Auditor of Walla Walla County, Washington, and running thence north, parallel to the west line of said Lot 2, a distance of 120 feet; thence west, parallel to the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 50 feet; thence south, parallel to the west line of said Lot 2, a distance of 120 feet; thence east 50 feet to the point of beginning. (This legal refers solely to the parcel currently defined as 122 SW 9th Street.)
ALSO, beginning at a point which is 120 feet east and 28 feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 2 in Block 25 College Place No. 2, as per plat thereof recorded in volume B of Plats at page 59, records of Walla Walla County, and running thence east 60 feet; thence north 120 feet; thence west 60 feet; thence south 120 feet to the point of beginning. (This legal refers solely to the parcel currently defined as 116 SW 9th Street.)
ALSO, commencing at a point 28.00 feet north and 70.00 feet east of the southwest corner of Lot 2, in Block 25, of College Place No. 2, according to the official plat thereof of record in the office of the Auditor of Walla Walla County, Washington; thence north 00° 00’ 00” east, parallel with the west line of said Lot 2, a distance of 102.00 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence continue north 00° 00’ 00” east, a distance of 18.00 feet; thence south 89° 59’ 03” west, parallel with the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 4.00 feet; thence south 00° 00’ 00” east, parallel with the west line of said Lot 2, a distance of 18.00 feet; thence north 89° 59’ 03” east, parallel with the south line of said Lot 2, a distance of 4.00 feet to the point of beginning of this description.
Title and Occupant History

Plat Map of College Place No. 2 Addition showing street layout of 1892. Alder has been changed to SW 10thStreet, Poplar to SW 8th Street and Maple to SW 6th Street As Lot 2, Block 25 is on the north side of SW 9th Street, it is apparent that SW 9th Street was put through between Alder and Poplar at a later date although what year this was done could not be established.
The town of College Place was founded for the purpose of establishing a Seventh-day Adventist institution of high learning. The Adventist movement has always considered denominationally-oriented education for all ages a priority. Mrs. M. M. Osgood in the 1850s began offering education to Adventist children out of her home in Battle Creek, MI where the denomination was founded. Adventist missionaries had established educational institutions in California by the late 1860s, and by the 1870s there were both Adventist churches and educational institutions in the Northwest. Secondary academies were established in both Portland and Milton, OR during the 1880s.
The denomination’s educational secretary visited the Northwest in 1890. He advocated for the consolidation of the schools in Milton and Portland into a single, centrally located institution. At the time the unnamed hamlet a few miles west of Walla Walla consisted of but a handful of settlers. One of the larger landowners was Dr. Nelson Blalock, then mayor of Walla Walla, whose acquisitions eventually totaled more than 600 acres. He donated 40 acres of land to the Adventists to establish a college, with the stipulation that they must operate the school in College Place for a minimum of 25 years or they would have to pay him for the land at fair market value. The postmaster suggested college Place in 1891 as a name for the hamlet.
The plat of College Place No. 2 was certified on 4/14/1892 and filed six days later. It included “…a portion of Sections 35 and 36 in Township 7 North…Range 35 East…” Adventists began to migrate into the area and purchase lots. By the end of the first decade of the 20th century, College Place had a population of ca. 900. By 1900, Walla Walla College (now Walla Walla University) included three buildings. Although it graduated students earlier, apparently it was not able to issue four-year degrees until the college was finally incorporated in 1901. Curiously, the town of College Place was not incorporated until January 7, 1946.

Above is a portion of a survey of Block 25 of College Place No. 2 Addition completed on 8/22/1984, showing portions of Lot 2 outlined in red marker. The parcels on which 116 and 122 SW 9th are located are highlighted in double red lines. Note that Lot 2 extends 28 additional feet south of the north boundary of SW 9th Street. The vertical strip on the left is SW Bade Avenue.
College Place was included in early Walla Walla city directories, although it is difficult to determine precisely where residents lived in the town, as their addresses were invariably listed as “h College pl” (house [in] College Place). Building permits for the College Place are not preserved – indeed, may not even have been required in early years – beyond the 1940s. Jon Rickard, Community Development Director for College Place, reported that most permits that are preserved were for laying sewers, etc. Thus, it would be difficult to determine precise build dates for many of the older structures. The only permits on file for the two houses in this report date to the 1950s and were for water and sewer connections.
Lot 2, Block 25 of College Place No. 2 initially was a single lot, but was divided into two sections no later than 1910. The 1984 surveyor’s map on the following page will help delineate the boundaries of the lot and of subsections 1, 2 and 3 of said lot. Note that Lot 2 extends south across SW 9th Street 28 feet beyond the south border of the occupied portions of both 116 and 122 SW 9th Street. TitleOne Title and Escrow Company at 5 East Main Street has separate files for 116 and 122 SW 9th Street. All legal documents pertaining to 116 appear in both files, but the file for 122 contains ten additional documents that are not in the file for 116; oddly, some of these documents pertain only to 116. The following chronological listing of deeds and other legal documents beginning on Page 4 will specify whether they pertain to 116 or 122 unless they refer to both parcels. Currently the property continues to have two houses, but it appears that the entire parcel has been under single ownership since 1955.
8/19/1902, Warranty Deed, General Conference Association of the Seventh Day Adventists of Battle Creek, Michigan, a corporation, grantor; S. V. Breneman, grantee, all of Block 25, College Place #2 Addition, $1,325.
5/4/1903, Agreement for Deed, Rebecca and Robert Nelson, grantors; Margaret Schaeffer, grantee, all of Block 25, $400 due before 8/5/1903 in order to secure warranty.
5/8/1903, Warranty Deed, S. V. Brenaman, an unmarried man, grantor; Rebecca J. Nelson, grantee, all of Block 25, $1,400.

A view of College Place No. 2 Addition from the 1909 Standard Atlas of Walla Walla County. Block 25 is on the left, bordered by Poplar Street on the north and Addison Street on the west. Poplar is now SW 8th Street, and Addison Street currently is SW Bade Avenue.
9/14/1903, Warranty Deed, Rebecca and Robert Nelson, grantors; Margaret Schaeffer, grantee, all of Block 25, $1,800.
9/30/1904, Warranty Deed, M. K. Schaeffer, a single woman, grantor; B. S. Brooks, grantee, “…Lot 2 in Block 25 in College Place No. 2…containing two and one-half acres…” $500. This deed conveys the first separation and sale of Lot 2 from Block 25.
11/9/1906, Warranty Deed, B. S. and Sarah Brooks, grantors; A. R. Lansdale, grantee, Lot 2, Block 25, $750.
2/5/1908, Warranty Deed, A. R. Lansdale (single), grantor; John P. Ochs, grantee, Lot 2, Block 25, $800. The 1908 Walla Walla City Directory lists Lansdale as residing at 302 West Main in Walla Walla. There is no listing for Ochs. In the 1910 directory, Lansdale was still a resident of Walla Walla, but the residence for J. P. Ochs, a farmer, was “h College pl” (house [in] College Place), as was that of his daughter, Sophie, a student at Walla Walla College.
1/27/1910, Indenture, John Peter and Katie Ochs, grantors; Henry Link, grantee, “Beginning at a point 120 feet East and 28 feet North of the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 25, in College Place No. 2…thence running East 60 feet; thence North 120 feet; thence West 60 feet; thence South 120 feet to the place of beginning…”, $235. This Indenture refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street, the first conveyance that separates 116 from the balance of Lot 2.
7/11/1912, Warranty Deed, Henry Link of Oenida County Idaho, Lena Pflugrad, formerly Link and Martha Stephens, formerly Link of College Place, and Henry G. Link of Colfax, Whitman County…being heirs of Henry Link, deceased, grantors; Carrie Link, mother of said grantors of College Place, grantee, $1. This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
7/17/1912, Quit Claim Deed, P. R. Link of Oneida County, ID, Lena Pflugrad formerly Link, Martha Link Stephens, heirs of P. H. Link, grantors; Carrie Link, grantee. This Quit Claim Deed refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street

Block 25 from the subdivision map of College Place No. 2 Addition. Lot 2 is the yellow highlighted Square. Poplar at the top has been penciled in as “8th” and Alder at the bottom as “10th” The horizontal Band where No. 25 appears originally was not a street, but “SW 9th St.” was later penciled in. The vertical avenue on the left is Addison (now SW Bade Avenue); the one on the right is College Avenue. According to John Rickard, Community Development Director for College Place, the date that SW 9th Street was graded and paved cannot be determined.
1/6/1913, Indenture, Carrie Link (widow), grantor; Millie Link, grantee, $1,300. This Indenture refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
2/11/1918, Indenture, Peter R. and Millie Link, grantors; W. P. Reser, grantee, $800. This Indenture refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
4/13/1922, Quit Claim Deed, Annie L. Drumheller, Philip Reser, Clara A. Cordiner and Byron Reser, heirs of William P. Reser, grantors; Holly (correct spelling Hollie) C. Foos, grantee, $1. The 1922 Walla Walla City Directory lists Hollie C. Foos as a clerk at A. C. Harbaugh grocers in College Place with “h College pl.” This Quit Claim Deed refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
1/28/1928 Warranty Deed, Holly (correct spelling Hollie) C. and Ida Foos, grantors; Jacob and Christine Hauser, grantees, $2,500. Jacob Hauser, previously listed in city directories as “h College pl,” is listed in the 1935 city directory residing at “W. Alder, CP.” This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
5/4/1942, Warranty Deed, Fred T. and Byrl Sanders, grantors; Samuel Peck, Jr. and Fay Peck, grantees, “Beginning at a point 28 feet North and 120 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot numbers 2 in Block numbered 25 in College Place No. 2, according to the recorded plat thereof on record in the office of the County Auditor in Walla Walla County… thence running North 120 feet, thence West 50 feet, thence South 120 feet, thence East 50 feet to the place of beginning,” $250. While Sanders was listed in the 1941 directory as in the auto repair business, residing on “Addison College Place,” there is no listing for Peck. As can be seen in the illustration from the 1909 Atlas of Walla Walla County, Addison currently is SW Bade Avenue. This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street. Although there is no link connecting Hauser to Sanders, it is likely that Sanders was an heir of an earlier owner of Lot 2.
10/17/1944, Warranty Deed, Samuel, Jr. and Fay Peck, grantors; John and Lula Mae Tocco, grantees, same legal description as Warranty Deed of 5/4/1942, $10 and other valuable considerations. Tocco was listed as a trucker who lived at “64 W Poplar (CP).” This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street.
9/19/1945, Warranty Deed, Citizens Bank of College Place, a corporation, grantor; Don W. and Edna M. Jones, grantees, $10 and other valuable considerations. This Warrant Deed refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
8/31/1946, Warranty Deed, John W. and Lula Mae Tocco, grantors; Edward J. and Elizabeth M. Kane, grantees, $10. Kane was the general manager of Superior Motor Freight, who, like Tocco above, was listed as “h 64 W Poplar (CP).” This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street.
9/3/1946, Warranty Deed, Don W. and Edna M. Jones, grantors; James and Geraldine V. Kegley, grantees, $4,500. This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
11/29/1946, Warranty Deed, Samuel, Jr. and Fay Peck, grantors; John and Lula Mae Tocco, grantees, “…to correct…deed dated 9/3/1943, $10. (11/29/1946 is the filing date for this deed that was signed on 8/31/1946.) This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street.
2/28/1947, Warranty Deed, James and Geraldine V. Kegley, grantors; Noel C. and Maude H. Browne, grantees $10 and other valuable considerations. This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
11/7/1947, Warranty Deed, Edward J. and Elizabeth M. Kane, grantors; James A. and Louise Huff, grantees, $3,750. This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street.
4/1/1950, Warranty Deed, James A. and Louise Huff, grantors; Grace L. Bolen, a widow, grantee, $3,500. Huff was listed in 1948 as also being in the auto repair business, “r 122 SW 9th (CP).” This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street.
9/13/1950, Warranty Deed, Noel C. and Maude H. Browne, grantors; Irwin H. and Burnetta L. Mortamer, grantees, $10 and other valuable considerations. This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
10/3/1952, Warranty Deed, Irwin and Burnetta Mortamer, grantors, Julie Haffner, grantee, $10 and other valuable considerations. This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 116 SW 9th Street.
6/16/1953, Warranty Deed, Grace L. Bowen, a widow, grantor; Annalie Trummer, grantee, $10 and other valuable considerations. Neither Bowen nor Trummer could be located in city directories. This Warranty Deed that was dated 10/17/1951 but not filed until 6/16/1953 refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street.
6/16/1953, Purchaser’s Assignment of Contract and Deed, Annalie and John R. Trummer, grantors; G. B. and Nora Harbison, grantees. This Purchaser’s Assignment refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street.
10/13/1955, Warranty Deed, G. B. and Nora Harbison, grantors; Thomas and Hazel L. Maughan, grantees, $10 and other valuable considerations. Harbison was a retired teacher who was listed in the 1955 directory with “h 122 SW 9th (CP)” and this Warranty Deed does in fact refer to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street. No listing for Maughan could be located.
10/13/1955, Warranty Deed, Thomas and Hazel L. Maughan, grantors; Mrs. Julia Haffner, a single woman, grantee, $10 and other valuable considerations. Haffner was listed in 1953 as the widow of David Haffner, “h 116 SW 9th (CP).” This Statutory Warranty Deed reunites the two parcels of Lot 2 that includes both 116 and 122 SW 9th Street.
3/26/1956, Warranty Deed, Julia Haffner, a widow, grantor; William David and Nieta Rae Adams, grantees, “…for Love and Affection…a gift.” This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street.
10/1/1956, Warranty Deed, William David and Nieta Rae Adams, grantors; Julia Haffner, a widow, grantee, “…for Love and Affection…a gift.” This Warranty Deed refers to what is currently 122 SW 9th Street.
3/19/1971, Statutory Warranty Deed, Julia Haffner, a widow, grantor; Julia Haffner, a widow, Rachel Adams, a widow and William David Adams, in his own separate right, grantees, “…for Love and Affection…a gift.”
9/11/1984, Statutory Warranty Deed, Arturo G. and Naomi P. Avilla, grantors; William D. and Nieta Rae Adams, grantees, Commencing at a point 28 feet North and 70 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot 2, in Block 25, of College Place No. 2…thence No. 00° 00’ 00” East., parallel with the West line of said Lot 2, a distance of 102 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence continue N. 00° 00’ 00” E., a distance of 18 feet; thence S. 89° 59’ 03” W., parallel with the South line of said Lot 2, a distance of 4.00 feet; thence S. 00° 00’ 00 E., parallel with the West line of said Lot 2, a distance of 18 feet; thence N. 89° 59’ 03” E. parallel with the South line of said Lot 2, a distance of 4 feet to the point of beginning of this description.” A search of all legal documents in Reverse Indexes in the County Auditor’s Vault between 1971 and 1984 failed to disclose any document describing the Avillas’ acquisition of Lot 2.Arturo and Naomi Avilla do not appear in the chain of ownership so their acquisition is presumed to be via a probate proceeding.
10/5/1984, Statutory Warranty Deed, William David and Nieta Rae Adams, grantors; Dwight and Denise Steffanson, grantees. Legal description is as described in Full Legal Description on Page 1. Steffanson was listed in the 1983 directory as already residing at 116 SW 9th Street.
5/23/2008, Warranty Deed, Dwight Steffanson, grantor; Denise Anderson, grantee.
1/29/2010, Quit Claim Deed, Denise Steffanson, grantor; Dwight Steffanson, grantee, Lot 2, Block 25.
Construction of Building
Establishing an accurate construction date for both 116 and 122 SW 9th Street is a matter of speculation. The Walla Walla County Assessor dates 116 to 1920 and 122 to 1918. The appearance of both houses belies these attributed build dates; often Assessor dates are merely estimates. Adding to the difficulty to date these houses with reasonable accuracy is the fact that building permits from the period that both were likely constructed do not exist, if they ever did, and the residential notations for persons occupying the houses during those years are consistently given in city directories as merely “h College pl.”
116 SW 9th Street is a one-story house with a medium pitched hipped roof that would afford a sizeable attic space. Four lathe-turned posts support a nearly full width roof that is at a slightly different angle over a front porch. The house’s appearance is that of a late 19th-century balloon frame Folk Victorian cottage. This type of house is prevalent in Walla Walla, and those researched usually date to around 1905. A substantial increase in the selling price of a lot from one buyer to the next is often a clue that the seller had constructed a house on the lot. In the case of 116 SW 9th Street, although no monetary amount was included in the two deeds from 1912, in 1910 this parcel was sold for $235 to Henry Link. This would indicate that no house existed on the property. In 1913, it was sold for $1,300 by Carrie Link, widow of Henry Link, to Millie Link. It is probable to conclude that Henry Link most likely constructed the house in 1911 although it might not have been completed until early in 1912.
The age of 122 SW 9th Street is more difficult to determine; it certainly does not give the appearance of a house built in 1918 as the Assessor’s record notes. Indeed, one wonders due to its irregular shape if it began as some type of outbuilding and might originally have consisted solely of its larger portion on the right, the set back smaller section on the left being a later addition. Further supporting this idea is the fact that the street façade of each of the two segments has its own front door. The vinyl window frames and siding are from a fairly recent remodeling. Both sections of the house support a low gable roof; the entrance to the recessed section has a small projecting secondary gable for protection from inclement weather.
Samuel and Fay Peck acquired the property in 1942 and likely constructed at least the larger portion of the structure that year. The smaller portion appears to be an addition and built at a later date.
- TitleOne (formerly Pioneer Title)
- Walla Walla County Auditor’s Vault Indexes of recorded deeds
- Walla Walla County Assessor
- Cindy Fazio, Cadastral GIS Technician, Walla Walla County Assessor’s Office
- Whitman Archives, and in particular Dana Bronson, Associate Archivist, for online assistance, as Archives remains closed to the public during the pandemic.
- Walla Walla City Directories, various early years that included College Place.
- Standard Atlas of Walla Walla County Washington Including a Plat Book of the Villages Cities and Townships of the County, George A. Ogle & Co., Chicago, 1909
- Jon Rickard, Community Development Director, City of College Place
- Cross, Helen W., College Place, Washington: a Short History, Color Press, 1988
- battlecreekacademy.com/history
- Walla Walla Union-Bulletin, article on College Place by Mike Denny, 1/3/2021
- Washington State Wiki/College Place
- historylink.org