History of 605 South Third Avenue, Walla Walla, WA


Property Description (abbreviated):

Tax Lot 1 in Block 7 of Chase’s Addition, less the southerly 12 feet more or less.

Parcel No. 360729580729

Construction Date:

Information provided by owner showed that the house on this property was constructed in 1901 for Donald McRae, farmer, as his residence.  This is confirmed by a deed to Donald McRae for the property from Salem and Viola Twist on September 26, 1900, in Vol. 75 of Deeds at Page 96.  McRae is listed in the city directory of 1902 at 603 S. Third, presumably the same address at that time, and in the 1905 directory at 605 S. Third.

Summary report by Daniel N. Clark, for Walla Walla 2020 Historic Building Project, 11-29-05