Transportation (Bike, Hike and Transit)

We wanted a human scale community friendly to pedestrians and bicyclists, so we set up a Bike and Hike, or Transportation focus area emphasizing non-motorized transportation.


We now have bicycle lanes on a number of streets, a city bicycle-pedestrian advisory committee established at 2020’s request, new bike and pedestrian trails at Ft. Walla Walla and along Highway 12, bicycle and walkers maps, and Walla Walla’s first Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan. Walla Walla 2020 has also been active in transit issues, including the encouragement of bus service to connect Walla Walla with the Greyhound depot at the intermodal center in the Tri-Cities which is being provided by contract with a private carrier through state grant funds following the discontinuance of Greyhound service here.  Walla Walla 2020 has taken a lead role in preserving and expanding local bus service by Valley Transit, and has organized a series of Bikes and Buses Are Beautiful entries in Walla Walla’s fair parade.

The following are recommending reading and resources:

Regional/National Transit

The Transportation Choices Coalition: NGO which provides information on transportation options, including ride sharing

WSDOT: A great source for information on all forms of public transportation from Washington State Department of Transportation

Greyhound: Greyhound bus schedule and fare information

Amtrak: Amtrak rail and bus schedule and fare information

A Look Back

Life in the Walla Walla Valley was transformed by environmentally-friendly transportation. Check out these historical transit advertisements courtesy of Valley Transit.

There’s still plenty left to do!

Use the contact form to find out how to get involved with Walla Walla 2020

Focus Area Chair

Andy Pryor