Honoring the Foundation of Walla Walla 2020

Walla Walla 2020 was founded in 1988, as a result of a workshop organized by Barbara Clark. The invitation was sent to 35 people, about 20 of whom attended. The invitation read in part:

You are invited to participate in a day-long workshop to plan a sustainable future for Walla Walla. The immediate objective of the workshop will be to produce a preliminary vision of Walla Walla in the year 2020 and a rudimentary plan for getting from here to there. You’ve probably thought from time to time of what the ideal city would be like. Let’s get together and see if we can help it happen.

On August 4, 1988, the group became a non-profit corporation by filing its Articles of Incorporation with the Washington Secretary of State. The founding directors listed in those articles are:

  • George Ball
    Nancy Ball
    Bob Carson
    Barbara Clark
    Daniel Clark
  • Shirley Hagman
    David Hiatt
    Chris Howard
    Judy Johnson
    Jean Krapfel
  • Douglas Morton
    Shirley Muse
    Paula Nichols
    Skip Nichols
    Candace Rose
  • Gordon Scribner
    Carolyn Seachris
    Sandy Simmons
    Deborah Winter
    John Winter

Many more people have served on Walla Walla 2020 committees, participated in its projects, and served on its board of directors over the years. Walla Walla 2020 maintains a board of approximately fifteen, and has a current general membership of approximately fifty area residents.

There’s still plenty left to do!

Use the contact form to find out how to get involved with Walla Walla 2020